Samstag, 24. September 2011

Various little things (plus pictures of the seemingly unfittable back)

Finally!!! No, no new saddle yet, but I finally finished my Master Thesis! *yay* Of course there are two more oral exams to come before graduating, but the thesis was the biggest piece of work.

That is basically why I haven't written anything on here for a while.

Nothing too exciting has been going on. I finally had a chiro out for Cripin and am (for now) forbidden to ride him (now that I have the time and a substitute saddle). *sigh*

I actually wanted to get the chiro out once I had a saddle (sort of like a second oppinion) but since finding one is taking so long (and also because Crispin slipped and fell in the turnout a few weeks back) I decided to let him be checked.

Turns out he's been very tense in the back especially in the loin area. The only visible symptom I've ever noticed was a tendency of his to rest his one of his hind legs as soon as he's got the chance. He's always done that.

Well, he got treated and it really made a difference. After the treatment the muscle in the area came up for about a centimeter and he's stopped resting his legs so much ever since. The chiro told me not to ride him until his back got better and instead try to work him long and low on the longe. She'll be back in two weeks to treat him again (four weeks between the treatments).

To me it looks like the change has been pretty much permanent. I really hope he's good enough to be ridden again after the second treatment, because I'd really like to ride him a little more plus he really needs more work and more stuff to keep his mind busy too. He tends to get bored and that results in him pestering his pasture buddies a lot!

Since I have a little more time now to dive into the saddle search once again, I took some new pictures of his back.

Whenever I do that I really don't see why it is so difficult to find him a saddle. Yes, he's short (and I have a big butt). Yes, he's wide and yes he's got a round barrel. But all things considered, he is not that short, my butt is not that big and he's not that wide and round!

It was a little difficult to get decent shots. Most of them looked like this:

He's been at the new barn for three months now an I think he's settled in nicely. I did make a few modifications to his stall. The haynet had to be moved a little and I added a second stallmat too.

(Of course an Offenstall would still be better, but it's good for now. We'll see what the future brings)