Sonntag, 28. August 2011

Less might not always be more, but at least it's something...

Don't laugh, but in my exasperation I got Crispin this:

Any idea what it is?! Is it a saddle?! No, not really. Is it a treeless saddle?! No, not really either. It's a bareback pad!!! One that not only made it through high school but also earned it's degree at university. But still, it is just a bareback pad.

It is called a "Sheepskin Saddle" (this one is a "Iberica Plus", hence the spanish look). Sheepskin on the bottom, sheepskin on the top, two seperate foam pannels in between (to allow for some spine clearence) rings to put on stirrups and two foam rolls to give the rider some support.

It seems to be all the hype right now and I decided to give it a try. Of course I'm still looking for a  "real" saddle, but it's not going to happen anytime soon. Even if I would find one today it would most likely take another 8-12 weeks to be made. I decided that Crispin needs to be ridden, not all that much or often, but on a regular basis, and that is where this pad comes in.

I already sat in it twice, rode Crispin walk/trot and so far so good. I don't plan on using it more than 2-3 times a week, depending how well it works out for both of us.

Few more pictures of the thing:

Donnerstag, 4. August 2011

Another Saddle, another Saddlefitter

Even though I tried not to get my hopes up it happend anyway and of course I ended up being a little disappointed.

The saddlefitter was a very nice girl. She seemed knowledgeable enough but somehow they all seem to be trained to not commit to a saddle too much.

She brought a fair number of saddles and put on a few. Mostly saddles I've tried before but also a few I always wanted to try (like a Passier Grand Gilbert, which was way too long for Crispin). The saddle I was most curious about was the "Sommer Passion" (stupid name). I've read a lot of good stuff about Sommer saddles. Good quality, nice to sit, very good to change (gullet and flocking) decent price (by no means cheap).

Sommer "Passion" 17,5 seat, 31,5 gullet;

We put the Sommer on an it didn't look too bad. I rode and it felt really nice. Only problem: the rear pannels seem to come up a little when there is no weight in the saddle (i.e. when I posted the trot) or when Crispin was streching (with me on the ground).

The fitter said that this wasn't too bad, not ideal of course but she also said  that Chrispin had no muscles there yet and where the saddle could rest on. I'm so not sure about that (not about the lack of muscles, he has none) but the rest of it.

She left the saddle and I can try it out for a few days. Check it on the lunge and maybe find someone to video me. I definitely need to think about it a litttel longer. *sigh*

Dienstag, 2. August 2011

Next please...

One advantage of moving to a new place is that it also means meeting new people and new people know new saddle fitters.

On thursday another fitter is coming out. They have a very nice homepage and the girl on the phone seemed like she knew what she was doing. She seemed to have some options for us but I don't want to jinx anything so I won't say any more until then. I just wanted to tell you, I haven't given up just yet. ;-D