Samstag, 26. Juni 2010

The lunge

Time for another little update. Like I'd planned I did start to lunge Crispin once a week. I started sometime in may and he picked up the concept quite quickly.

Never the less it took me sometime to be confident enough in his abilities to actually try to take some pictures of him on the lunge. He's very sensitive to my body language and I did not want to confuse him (being my physically chalenged self, handeling pony, lunge, whip and camera at the same time) ;-)

Here are some pictures:


Longe Schritt 3


Longe Trab 1

Sporting his new (well borrowed but new to him) attire:

After work

Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2010

Fun and Games

Most of his time Crispin spends with his herd. Today I give you the chance to take a look at how he spends his free time without me:

Playing rough!

The little guy he's playing with is Imber a Camargue horse. Poor guy has to put up with a lot because Chrispin does not get tired of this game, ever...

Knapps 1



