Never the less it took me sometime to be confident enough in his abilities to actually try to take some pictures of him on the lunge. He's very sensitive to my body language and I did not want to confuse him (being my physically chalenged self, handeling pony, lunge, whip and camera at the same time) ;-)
Here are some pictures:


Sporting his new (well borrowed but new to him) attire:

i think your welsh is beautiful and has such a sweet expression, i can see why you bought him even though you don't like bays. but, can someone not like bays? i mean, it's my favorite horsey color! i hate those pale pink horses or horses with spots and chestnuts are so common but bays..oh, i hope my next horse is a bay so much!
AntwortenLöschenthe first horse i ever loved was a half welsh and i will never forget her. i was 10 and i was in heaven just standing in the barn with her, watching her. then last year in dortmund i saw a welsh demonstration and was blown away - they're like little arabians with easy going personalities. oh, and amazing dressage horses too! if you're 14.3 hands, you're a horse, right?
i enjoyed your blog - i think it's interesting that you wanted a young horse to start yourself. it's very brave and i wonder if i'd ever have the nerve to do it again. (i have only done it once, with baasha, and he's the only horse i've ever had. and it was hard, and involved lots of falling off/bruises/near-death-experiences.)
it's so good to hear from someone nearby. i mean, i know it's not that close cuz i had to go to tierklinik hochmoor and it seemed to take forever. but i really enjoyed munsterland and kept looking for those wild ponies that live there. i love it that wild horses live in germany.
again, thanks for visiting.
maybe you can help me. i don't know enough about german horse products to know which ones work - in particular: fly spray. do you have a brand that works really well? preferrably with permethrin as the active ingredient?
AntwortenLöschenalso, does betadine exist in germany? i depend on it for many things around my horse. both types (the soapy one and the rinse). i fear the day when i run out, and i can't find it in any horse catalog. (ok, my kraemer one.)
thanks for the help!
~lytha in NRW
aha, i just saw that you answered already! sweet!
AntwortenLöschenhow did you know that? the vet DID recommend the wellcare stuff!
and you're right, that bremsenbremse stuff is AWFUL! i couldn't even touch the horses that were sprayed with that, it was like motor oil.
i didn't know that bremsen don't respond to permethrin - that's why the equispot isn't working (but it is working against the gnats that usually leave his belly bloody).
i assume i can get the butox and tamtam at raiffeisenmarkt? (did i butcher that spelling?)
thanks so much for your advice. i hate this relearning what works process!
but then i didn't know that horseflies are only active for two months. one more to go, right?: )