Two days ago the equine dentist was here again. Nothing much to report. Everything is just the way it's supposed to be at Crispins current age. The caps of two more molars are off, two more to come this year.
It was also time again to take pictures. The pictures were taken july 29th 2010. Crispin is 3 years and 3 months now (AND one year ago I went to see him at Christina's for the first time, that's an anniversary ;) ).
It's the first time that I actually think he is starting to look a a little more grown up:
...that is good for the inside of a man. ~Winston Churchill~
Today I had an experience that once again showed just how true this statement is and how little it sometimes take to leave me smiling to myself the rest of the day.
I was a the barn little early today, the horses were still outside in the pasture so I went to get them in.
They were in the back so I went half way down the pasture before they saw me. I called them in and they were willing enough cantering past me up into the lower and then into the upper paddock where they disappeared around the corner.
But not all of them.
Crispin only cantered 10 meters into the lower padock, stopped turned around, let the others get out of sight and waited all by himself just for me! He waited until I arrived at his side and then we went up together, side by side.
A tiny act but still, it made my day! So it must be true. There IS something about the outside of a horse...
I did it! In a last minute maneuver I entered Crispin at his first Show. It's just one in hand class but still.
It took me quite a bit of time to decide which class to choose. There was a breed class and an in hand Trail class I could choose from. The breed class would have been easier for him but much more expensive to enter (more than 3 times of what entering the trail class cost). The trail class is of course more difficult for Crispin though not unmanageable. And this way I have a good reason to work more on the trail stuff at home which isn't at all a bad thing to do anyways.
Besides, I'm not taking Crispin to win but to show him something new. If he's going to be too nervous I'll just scratch the class and show him around the show grounds. No big deal.
Since you're probably as visual as I am, here is a video YouTube video from last year. Same show, same class. This, or something like this is what we have to expect in four weeks:
I doubt though, that Crispin is going to be as relaxed as this cute little pony!
P.S. Meike or Christina, If you read this, I know who the little guy is ;-)
I'm a thirty-something from Germany and I have just gotten myself a new horse. "Merit Crispin" a german bred two year old Welsh Cob gelding.
This Blog is about him and about our shared journey. How we found and how we trained each other. But this isn't all. I chose to blog in english because I think it will help me to practice and improve my english writing skills. So Dear Reader, I hope you'll be willing to overlook bad spelling and grammar for what this is: a project and a work in progress!