Samstag, 13. März 2010's the plan!

Yesterday, I suddenly realized that I now do have a plan or rather a draft version of a plan for Crispin.

Of course it all really depends on him and his development over the next two years but so far this is what I'm planning to do:

For now, nothing. I'm sticking with groundwork and walks for now at least until he's really three. We have another appointment with the dentist planned for april and only after that, once he's turned three in the end of april, am I going to take the next step.

The next step (from may until the end of the year) would be to introduce him to bit, bridle, saddle and a little longing. If he seems ready, then I might try to sit on him for a few times by the end of the year.

I would give him the winter off and then, if things go according to plan, will start riding him next spring. I would love to start with taking him on trail rides to build strength and stamina. That shouldn't be a problem. We have some wonderful trails around here. Since we get a lot of horseflies here, he would get the summer off again and in the fall (Crispin will be 4 1/2 by then) I would start riding him in the ring or indoor.

Not the reinvention of the wheel but that would be my plan for the next 18-20 months...

...we will see...

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