Samstag, 22. Januar 2011

Saddle search say what?!

Well, that was interesting. Seems like every Saddler around who is known as a good saddle fitter doesn't have any used saddles for sale right now (or anymore?!). But they all would be happy to come around and take measurements to custome make a saddle for 3000 € and up.

Uhm, let me think... ...custom made for a still growing 4 y/o that isn't even backed yet?! I don't think so, but thanks anyway! And the best part, they don't even sell anything else but their favorite custom made brand anymore! What did I miss?! There are so many decent brands on the market and I'm stuck with saddlers that do not sell any of them?!

So, I called the local tack shop and asked them what they had in stock (something I could have done weeks ago). I know they always have plenty of saddles in stock, used and new but the owner is just average when it comes to fitting. That's why I didn't call there first.

The guy came out yesterday and brought a few saddles. A few Wintec saddles that did NOT work at all. The rear panels basically poked Crispin in the hip bone, way too long. Then he tried a nice english brand that was only a 17 seat. It fit Crispin but was to small for me, obviously. In the end he left a "Tekna" saddle for me to try. That is a new brand of synthetic saddles and tack. It looked like it fit ok. I've had a saddle made of synthetic leather before and liked it just fine, but I'm just not sure if I want to go there again. On the other hand, it's light weight, cheap, easy to clean and adjustable. If it really fits and if I could get it fitted to Crispin once or twice again over the next year or two it might be a sensible choice. We'll see. For now I have a saddle with a decent fit to work with. Riding here we come... ;-)

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