This is my old jumping saddle (it was clear from the start that it would not fit Crispin):

This is the the saddle I started Crispin in. A Tekna, 17.5 seat and 33 gullet. It fit him better than it fit me:

A Kent&Masters dressage saddle. High wither, gullet way too narrow and the distributor a pain to work with:

This one was close. A Euroriding "Achat". Seat was 18 inch and the gullet was a +34. Unfortunately I it was a horrible fit for me. The knee rolls overextended me in the hip:

This one doesn't look too bad either but neither Crispin nor I liked it. It's a Massimo Dressage II with french pannels. 17 inch seat (way too small for me, but they delivered the wrong size) and a 36 gullet:

A Euroriding "Leon". 17seat, wide gullet. Loved the way it fit me unfortunately it was a horrible fit for Crispin! It is a little difficult to see, but the rear pannels hardly touch his back:

And the last one I've tried. A Prestige "Milano" (17/34). I wanted to try the Prestige Hippos Dressage but the Milano was the only saddle with a wider gullet they had in store. The Saddlefiitter said it had a tree shaped similar to the one of the Hippos, so I tried it. Loved the feeling. The fit for Crispin is not too bad but far from perfect. I'm hoping that the Hippos Dressage can be changed to fit him. The saddlefitter will come and check on monday...

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