Donnerstag, 24. März 2016

Revisiting the Sommer Diplomat DS

I got in touch with a new fitter a few days ago. Since she's not close we only talked on the phone and I send her some pictures of Crispin and told her our story.

She said that there might (only might!) be a way to change our old saddle (the Sommer Diplomat) to fit Crispin a little longer. But in order to get an idea if it really is possible to fit the saddle to Crispin's needs once more, she would like to see him in motion.

That's what youtube is for, I guess...

While I was on it I decided to add some pictures of Crispin with the Sommer as well. So, here we go, picture overload.

First the video link. Not so easy to film while longing a horse, especially at the trot.

Then some pictures of Crispin's back from last week:

And now with the Sommer. First without a girth:

 ...and with the girth on:

The saddle is tilting horizontally; there is quite a difference in position if with or without the girth. Let's see what the fitters opinion about it is...

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