Finally, a saddle fitting well enough to actually take it on trial for a bit!
The fitter was back two days before christmas with the modified saddle for Crispin. After checking the fit, changing the gullet a little, taking out some flocking and re-checking the saddle again, I first longed Crispin and then rode him for a few minutes. It felt heavenly to be sitting in a real saddle again!
I felt very comfortable, the size was just right for me and there was no slipping (not even when I was just longing Crispin), no rocking and the fitter was almost ecstatic about the dust pattern. So far so good.
Unfortunately, it wasn't going to last. When I tried the saddle again after christmas I knew something was off the second I got on. It didn't feel they way it had felt before. The point of balance had moved and was now too far to the back and the saddle seemed pommel high. I took pictures before and after the ride (it was just a very short ride, the indoor was too crowded and Crispin too fussy to do more than just a few rounds at the walk) and then realized that I did saddle a little too far to the the front.
I did use the saddle once more (in my lesson) this time making sure I'd put on the saddle correctly but ended up with pretty much the same results. It's pommel high...
I still do think this could be "the one" plus I really, really want to say yes to this saddle for all the right and some of the wrong reasons. The problem is that at this point I'd say yes to a saddle that isn't fitting right know and where I can not say for sure if it is even possible to fit it perfectly. I did send pictures to fitter and will call him in a few days to find out what he thinks.
(To top things off, I completely destroyed my camera by accidentally throwing it down on the concrete flor at the barn *yay*)
Now to the details:
The saddle is a Sommer Diplomat but with the "Espritkissen" (the panels are from another model, the Sommer Esprit). The saddle is a size 18 semi deep seat and has a extra wide gullet head.
The new Sommer saddles have quite a few special features that, to me, make them a great choice.
Pretty much everything about them (besides the shape of the tree) is changeable. The gullet (very easily changeable), the velcro knee rolls and even the (wool flocked) panels can be removed and changed without too much trouble.
Freitag, 30. Dezember 2011
Freitag, 25. November 2011's getting ridiculous
OK, fine. First visit the fitter didn't bring anything for us to try. I'm already slightly annoyed because I did tell him on the phone that: one, my horse is very short, two, my horse is very wide and three, I've already tried a sommer 17,5 which turned out to be too small for me.
First visite comes and goes. No saddle for us. Today the fitter will be back. Guess what, no saddle for me to try AGAIN! He said something about breaking the one he tried to change for me. Yeah, well whatever. I know these things happen but seriously, at this point I just don't really care anymore!
It's been a month already again since I first called this particular saddle fitter and it probably will be weeks if not a whole month (remember christmas is on its way) before I can even TRY a saddle (who knows if it'll even work out for Crispin and I). This just sucks!
(Sorry, vent over) ;-)
*edited to add*
The fitter was there this morning, mainly to fit the other boarders horse and I have to say it: No matter how annoyed I am about the cirumstances the guy is really, really nice, sweet and good at what he's doing. If I'm lucky (for once) he'll be back with a saddle in a 10 days to two weeks.
First visite comes and goes. No saddle for us. Today the fitter will be back. Guess what, no saddle for me to try AGAIN! He said something about breaking the one he tried to change for me. Yeah, well whatever. I know these things happen but seriously, at this point I just don't really care anymore!
It's been a month already again since I first called this particular saddle fitter and it probably will be weeks if not a whole month (remember christmas is on its way) before I can even TRY a saddle (who knows if it'll even work out for Crispin and I). This just sucks!
(Sorry, vent over) ;-)
*edited to add*
The fitter was there this morning, mainly to fit the other boarders horse and I have to say it: No matter how annoyed I am about the cirumstances the guy is really, really nice, sweet and good at what he's doing. If I'm lucky (for once) he'll be back with a saddle in a 10 days to two weeks.
Sonntag, 20. November 2011
...and yet again another saddle fitter...
I'm really having trouble keeping this blog up to date.
I've had another fitter out last saturday. He was there for Crispin and another boarders horse. The guy was really good. Probably the best fitter I've seen so far, very knowledgeable and very devoted to his favourite brand of saddles: Sommer saddles (he only sells Sommer).
He was there for almost 4 hours mostly fitting the other horse and showing us every detail (it seems) of Sommer saddles (tree, panels, stuffing, you name it).
Unfortunately, he didn't have a single saddle with him that I could try on Crispin! Bummer. He had some saddles that had the right tree/iron (sommer calls it the WKE tree, the extra wide iron, it's like a hoop tree) and othes that had the right size for my butt and others again that had the righ panels for Crispins short, short back (the "Espitkissen"). But there was no saddle that combined all three: tree, panel, size. He has to put one together for us an will be back again.
Needless to say that I was very disappointed that day! After the saddle fitter was gone I was moping around at the barn and decided that I needed to do something nice with Crispin to lighten the mood. The weather was brilliant and so I started looking for a suitable horse and rider to acompany Crispin and I on our first trail ride at the new barn. Victoria and Flint were the lucky winners. They went with us on a very short but wonderful trail ride that saved my day. Thanks again!
(this is just a random picture I took that day. I think it's going to be one of my favourits)
I've had another fitter out last saturday. He was there for Crispin and another boarders horse. The guy was really good. Probably the best fitter I've seen so far, very knowledgeable and very devoted to his favourite brand of saddles: Sommer saddles (he only sells Sommer).
He was there for almost 4 hours mostly fitting the other horse and showing us every detail (it seems) of Sommer saddles (tree, panels, stuffing, you name it).
Unfortunately, he didn't have a single saddle with him that I could try on Crispin! Bummer. He had some saddles that had the right tree/iron (sommer calls it the WKE tree, the extra wide iron, it's like a hoop tree) and othes that had the right size for my butt and others again that had the righ panels for Crispins short, short back (the "Espitkissen"). But there was no saddle that combined all three: tree, panel, size. He has to put one together for us an will be back again.
Needless to say that I was very disappointed that day! After the saddle fitter was gone I was moping around at the barn and decided that I needed to do something nice with Crispin to lighten the mood. The weather was brilliant and so I started looking for a suitable horse and rider to acompany Crispin and I on our first trail ride at the new barn. Victoria and Flint were the lucky winners. They went with us on a very short but wonderful trail ride that saved my day. Thanks again!
(this is just a random picture I took that day. I think it's going to be one of my favourits)
Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2011
The late second year summary
Like everything else right now, the second year summary is a little late. I should have written it in september, like last year.
This is a copy of the first year summary:
Second year's training:
Whenever I did ride Crispin he has been very good, but even though I was always being very cautious. I just don't feel like I know him yet. I'm always staying way inside our comfort zone. I know this will have to change eventually but I'm not quite ready for that yet.
This is a copy of the first year summary:
- Crispin now knows that haltering is a fun thing and is very easy to catch no matter if he's out on pasture or just in the paddock. (Something I couldn't dream of doing before he came to Münster.)
- He leads like a true gentleman (walk or trot, halt, over poles, little jumps, tarp, bridges, in the ring or on the trails). He stops and leg yields in hand too and will do a TOF and TOH.
- He loads (well, Christina achived that but I haven't undone the training ;-) )
- He lunges (walk and trot, canter on the lunge doesn't work as well yet).
- He knows bit and bridle, saddle pad and surcingle and blanketing.
- He ties well and stands very well when tied.
- He stands for farrier and vet and for grooming (of course).
Second year's training:
- I backed Crispin
- He knows how to walk, trot, halt under saddle
- His brakes are pretty solid
- Steering is pretty solid at the walk but needs work at the trot
- We did a short trail ride (the plan is to do a lot more of those in the future)
- We did canter a couple of times (on the track at the old barn)
- Lunging has become much better. Canter is still his biggest issue, he always offers but still can't hold it up on a circle. But I'm sure he'll come around to it once he's ballanced enough to canter under saddle.
- He knows the horse walker at the new barn.
Whenever I did ride Crispin he has been very good, but even though I was always being very cautious. I just don't feel like I know him yet. I'm always staying way inside our comfort zone. I know this will have to change eventually but I'm not quite ready for that yet.
Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011
October pictures
They are a week early. He's actually turning 4 and 1/2 next week. But since I forgot the to take pictures in july and had the camera out at the barn I took them today.
Crispin at 4.5 y/o. I think he's gorgeous!
I was surprised to see that he's butt high again. He must have grown again just recently, because he wasn't a few weeks back, when I last checked.
He is a little rounder than I would like him to be, but I'm sure he'll loose the extra weight soon. Pasture season is almost over and we also got cleared for riding again by the osteopath last saturday.
Just for comparison: this is what he looked like last year (with that awful bandage)
Crispin at 4.5 y/o. I think he's gorgeous!
I was surprised to see that he's butt high again. He must have grown again just recently, because he wasn't a few weeks back, when I last checked.
He is a little rounder than I would like him to be, but I'm sure he'll loose the extra weight soon. Pasture season is almost over and we also got cleared for riding again by the osteopath last saturday.
Just for comparison: this is what he looked like last year (with that awful bandage)
Samstag, 24. September 2011
Various little things (plus pictures of the seemingly unfittable back)
Finally!!! No, no new saddle yet, but I finally finished my Master Thesis! *yay* Of course there are two more oral exams to come before graduating, but the thesis was the biggest piece of work.
That is basically why I haven't written anything on here for a while.
Nothing too exciting has been going on. I finally had a chiro out for Cripin and am (for now) forbidden to ride him (now that I have the time and a substitute saddle). *sigh*
I actually wanted to get the chiro out once I had a saddle (sort of like a second oppinion) but since finding one is taking so long (and also because Crispin slipped and fell in the turnout a few weeks back) I decided to let him be checked.
Turns out he's been very tense in the back especially in the loin area. The only visible symptom I've ever noticed was a tendency of his to rest his one of his hind legs as soon as he's got the chance. He's always done that.
Well, he got treated and it really made a difference. After the treatment the muscle in the area came up for about a centimeter and he's stopped resting his legs so much ever since. The chiro told me not to ride him until his back got better and instead try to work him long and low on the longe. She'll be back in two weeks to treat him again (four weeks between the treatments).
To me it looks like the change has been pretty much permanent. I really hope he's good enough to be ridden again after the second treatment, because I'd really like to ride him a little more plus he really needs more work and more stuff to keep his mind busy too. He tends to get bored and that results in him pestering his pasture buddies a lot!
Since I have a little more time now to dive into the saddle search once again, I took some new pictures of his back.
Whenever I do that I really don't see why it is so difficult to find him a saddle. Yes, he's short (and I have a big butt). Yes, he's wide and yes he's got a round barrel. But all things considered, he is not that short, my butt is not that big and he's not that wide and round!
It was a little difficult to get decent shots. Most of them looked like this:
He's been at the new barn for three months now an I think he's settled in nicely. I did make a few modifications to his stall. The haynet had to be moved a little and I added a second stallmat too.
(Of course an Offenstall would still be better, but it's good for now. We'll see what the future brings)
That is basically why I haven't written anything on here for a while.
Nothing too exciting has been going on. I finally had a chiro out for Cripin and am (for now) forbidden to ride him (now that I have the time and a substitute saddle). *sigh*
I actually wanted to get the chiro out once I had a saddle (sort of like a second oppinion) but since finding one is taking so long (and also because Crispin slipped and fell in the turnout a few weeks back) I decided to let him be checked.
Turns out he's been very tense in the back especially in the loin area. The only visible symptom I've ever noticed was a tendency of his to rest his one of his hind legs as soon as he's got the chance. He's always done that.
Well, he got treated and it really made a difference. After the treatment the muscle in the area came up for about a centimeter and he's stopped resting his legs so much ever since. The chiro told me not to ride him until his back got better and instead try to work him long and low on the longe. She'll be back in two weeks to treat him again (four weeks between the treatments).
To me it looks like the change has been pretty much permanent. I really hope he's good enough to be ridden again after the second treatment, because I'd really like to ride him a little more plus he really needs more work and more stuff to keep his mind busy too. He tends to get bored and that results in him pestering his pasture buddies a lot!
Since I have a little more time now to dive into the saddle search once again, I took some new pictures of his back.
Whenever I do that I really don't see why it is so difficult to find him a saddle. Yes, he's short (and I have a big butt). Yes, he's wide and yes he's got a round barrel. But all things considered, he is not that short, my butt is not that big and he's not that wide and round!
It was a little difficult to get decent shots. Most of them looked like this:
He's been at the new barn for three months now an I think he's settled in nicely. I did make a few modifications to his stall. The haynet had to be moved a little and I added a second stallmat too.
(Of course an Offenstall would still be better, but it's good for now. We'll see what the future brings)
Sonntag, 28. August 2011
Less might not always be more, but at least it's something...
Don't laugh, but in my exasperation I got Crispin this:
Any idea what it is?! Is it a saddle?! No, not really. Is it a treeless saddle?! No, not really either. It's a bareback pad!!! One that not only made it through high school but also earned it's degree at university. But still, it is just a bareback pad.
It is called a "Sheepskin Saddle" (this one is a "Iberica Plus", hence the spanish look). Sheepskin on the bottom, sheepskin on the top, two seperate foam pannels in between (to allow for some spine clearence) rings to put on stirrups and two foam rolls to give the rider some support.
It seems to be all the hype right now and I decided to give it a try. Of course I'm still looking for a "real" saddle, but it's not going to happen anytime soon. Even if I would find one today it would most likely take another 8-12 weeks to be made. I decided that Crispin needs to be ridden, not all that much or often, but on a regular basis, and that is where this pad comes in.
I already sat in it twice, rode Crispin walk/trot and so far so good. I don't plan on using it more than 2-3 times a week, depending how well it works out for both of us.
Few more pictures of the thing:
Any idea what it is?! Is it a saddle?! No, not really. Is it a treeless saddle?! No, not really either. It's a bareback pad!!! One that not only made it through high school but also earned it's degree at university. But still, it is just a bareback pad.
It is called a "Sheepskin Saddle" (this one is a "Iberica Plus", hence the spanish look). Sheepskin on the bottom, sheepskin on the top, two seperate foam pannels in between (to allow for some spine clearence) rings to put on stirrups and two foam rolls to give the rider some support.
It seems to be all the hype right now and I decided to give it a try. Of course I'm still looking for a "real" saddle, but it's not going to happen anytime soon. Even if I would find one today it would most likely take another 8-12 weeks to be made. I decided that Crispin needs to be ridden, not all that much or often, but on a regular basis, and that is where this pad comes in.
I already sat in it twice, rode Crispin walk/trot and so far so good. I don't plan on using it more than 2-3 times a week, depending how well it works out for both of us.
Few more pictures of the thing:
Donnerstag, 4. August 2011
Another Saddle, another Saddlefitter
Even though I tried not to get my hopes up it happend anyway and of course I ended up being a little disappointed.
The saddlefitter was a very nice girl. She seemed knowledgeable enough but somehow they all seem to be trained to not commit to a saddle too much.
She brought a fair number of saddles and put on a few. Mostly saddles I've tried before but also a few I always wanted to try (like a Passier Grand Gilbert, which was way too long for Crispin). The saddle I was most curious about was the "Sommer Passion" (stupid name). I've read a lot of good stuff about Sommer saddles. Good quality, nice to sit, very good to change (gullet and flocking) decent price (by no means cheap).
Sommer "Passion" 17,5 seat, 31,5 gullet;
We put the Sommer on an it didn't look too bad. I rode and it felt really nice. Only problem: the rear pannels seem to come up a little when there is no weight in the saddle (i.e. when I posted the trot) or when Crispin was streching (with me on the ground).
The fitter said that this wasn't too bad, not ideal of course but she also said that Chrispin had no muscles there yet and where the saddle could rest on. I'm so not sure about that (not about the lack of muscles, he has none) but the rest of it.
She left the saddle and I can try it out for a few days. Check it on the lunge and maybe find someone to video me. I definitely need to think about it a litttel longer. *sigh*
Dienstag, 2. August 2011
Next please...
One advantage of moving to a new place is that it also means meeting new people and new people know new saddle fitters.
On thursday another fitter is coming out. They have a very nice homepage and the girl on the phone seemed like she knew what she was doing. She seemed to have some options for us but I don't want to jinx anything so I won't say any more until then. I just wanted to tell you, I haven't given up just yet. ;-D
On thursday another fitter is coming out. They have a very nice homepage and the girl on the phone seemed like she knew what she was doing. She seemed to have some options for us but I don't want to jinx anything so I won't say any more until then. I just wanted to tell you, I haven't given up just yet. ;-D
Sonntag, 24. Juli 2011
What a surprise! *not*
Well, after the Prestige saddle finally arrived (and the saddle fitter had the time to actually come out) last thursday, it's already history.
It wasn't too bad, but the shape of the tree just wasn't quite the right fit. The worst part was the fitter. Not the same guy who came out the first time, this time it was the shop owner himself. And what an a** he was!
He slapped on the saddle, basically didn't talk to me at all, watched me ride without saying anything, grabbed the saddle afterward and told me, with a little more stuffing in the back the saddle would probably fit, but that I had to agree to buy the saddle before he could make any changes. Then he left, taking the saddle.
I didn't even got a chance to really check the fit myself or to take pictures. If he would have been a little nicer I might have considered the saddle, but this way. No, thanks. I pass.
So, once again I'm back at square one. *yay*
It wasn't too bad, but the shape of the tree just wasn't quite the right fit. The worst part was the fitter. Not the same guy who came out the first time, this time it was the shop owner himself. And what an a** he was!
He slapped on the saddle, basically didn't talk to me at all, watched me ride without saying anything, grabbed the saddle afterward and told me, with a little more stuffing in the back the saddle would probably fit, but that I had to agree to buy the saddle before he could make any changes. Then he left, taking the saddle.
I didn't even got a chance to really check the fit myself or to take pictures. If he would have been a little nicer I might have considered the saddle, but this way. No, thanks. I pass.
So, once again I'm back at square one. *yay*
Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2011
Wait a little longer
Six weeks ago I ordered the saddle. They said It would take 5-6 weeks. I called today. No saddel yet and it will probably take another 10 days (which will make it 7-8 weeks NOT 5-6). *sigh*
I can't say I'm surprised but I am, however, disappointed.
I can't say I'm surprised but I am, however, disappointed.
Samstag, 2. Juli 2011
Look what I found!!!
Well, ok. I didn't find it all by myself. My neighbours husband tipped me off. But look at this beautiful saddle pad embroided with the welsh dragon!!!
I need another saddle pad as much as I need a second belly button but I couldn't resist this one, isn't it just lovely?!
It seems like Crispin is adjusting just fine to his new home and the new routines. He does have more energy now that he spends his nights in a stall but so far all is good. I lunged or free lunged him every day (except monday and tuesday when it was just way too hot) and he is starting to get used to the new indoor and outdoor rings.
Some people at the new barn already told me that he looks a little like a welsh pony, or a welsh cob cross. Well, thank you! ;-)
Also, the saddle I've been waiting for should be here by next week. I just hope Crispin will be ready and calm enough to be ridden by then, so that I can actually try it.
I need another saddle pad as much as I need a second belly button but I couldn't resist this one, isn't it just lovely?!
It seems like Crispin is adjusting just fine to his new home and the new routines. He does have more energy now that he spends his nights in a stall but so far all is good. I lunged or free lunged him every day (except monday and tuesday when it was just way too hot) and he is starting to get used to the new indoor and outdoor rings.
Some people at the new barn already told me that he looks a little like a welsh pony, or a welsh cob cross. Well, thank you! ;-)
Also, the saddle I've been waiting for should be here by next week. I just hope Crispin will be ready and calm enough to be ridden by then, so that I can actually try it.
Samstag, 25. Juni 2011
The new Barn
Yesterday was the last day the Offenstall existed, the new stalls were finished last week and ready for the horses to move in. That meant it was time for us to move on.
During the last two weeks I've worked with Crispin on loading and yesterday he went into the trailer fine. The trip was short and uneventful. Nacho, Fly and Jarl, his old buddies from the Offenstall seemed to remember him (and he them) but he still was very excited and nervous when he first got off the trailer.
I put him in his new stall and he calmed down quickly. The two horses next to him, a little mare and Jarl were very unfriendly at first but Crispin didn't seem to mind too much. He liked the stall well enough but later, when I left he tried to come with me. Like: "Ok, this was alright, can we go home now?"
Today he went out with his new (or partly new) herd the first time, which was pretty uneventful. It was clear that he still knew Nacho and Fly and remembered that they were dominant, so he was cautious around them. There were two new horses he will be turned out with. Both were friendly and the introduction went smoothly. Only Jarl is still a little unfriendly. I think it is because in the past Crispin was the dominant one of the two (and will be again I think once he's settled in at the new place) and Jarl doesn't like that idea.
This is him in is his new stall. He still seems a little confused and not convinced that this is going to be permanent but he'll learn soon enough.
To make then transition from 24 hour turnout to a box stall a little easier for him I got him a big hay net to keep him busy.
During the last two weeks I've worked with Crispin on loading and yesterday he went into the trailer fine. The trip was short and uneventful. Nacho, Fly and Jarl, his old buddies from the Offenstall seemed to remember him (and he them) but he still was very excited and nervous when he first got off the trailer.
I put him in his new stall and he calmed down quickly. The two horses next to him, a little mare and Jarl were very unfriendly at first but Crispin didn't seem to mind too much. He liked the stall well enough but later, when I left he tried to come with me. Like: "Ok, this was alright, can we go home now?"
Today he went out with his new (or partly new) herd the first time, which was pretty uneventful. It was clear that he still knew Nacho and Fly and remembered that they were dominant, so he was cautious around them. There were two new horses he will be turned out with. Both were friendly and the introduction went smoothly. Only Jarl is still a little unfriendly. I think it is because in the past Crispin was the dominant one of the two (and will be again I think once he's settled in at the new place) and Jarl doesn't like that idea.
This is him in is his new stall. He still seems a little confused and not convinced that this is going to be permanent but he'll learn soon enough.
To make then transition from 24 hour turnout to a box stall a little easier for him I got him a big hay net to keep him busy.
Sonntag, 5. Juni 2011
...going treeless...
Not something I've ever expected me to do (or something I'd consider longterm) but it seems like a good idea for now: I went treeless with Crispin.
A friend at the barn has a horse that has a very short and curvy back and after trying many saddles she decided to go treeless with this horse. She bought a "Torsion" treeless saddle and is still very happy with this choice today (the horse in question has some health issues and is only ridden very lightly). She offered to let me borrow her saddle now and then.
About a month ago I signed up to ride with a trainer that only comes in once a month. I'd hoped I'd have a saddle by now, but that obviously was wishful thinking. So, what to do now? Ride with the slightly pinching, slightly too long jumping saddle or don't ride at all? For one thing, I really don't want to use (and have not used for a long time) the jumping saddle. On the other hand, I really, really, really want to take this lesson on monday.
I decided to give the treeless saddle a chance. It fits Crispin (well, basically it's a bareback pad with stirrups, so why shouldn't it) it doesn't pinch, it doesn't slip, it's comfortable to sit. I've ridden in it twice so far and Crispin seemed happy with it. Of course I will eat dirt if he decides to act up because there is nothing on the saddle to help me help hold on, and there is also nothing on this saddle to keep the pressure off Crispins vertebrae (the main issues I have with treeless saddles) but I'm also sure that I will immensley enjoy the lesson on monday in this saddle.
I keep you posted...
A friend at the barn has a horse that has a very short and curvy back and after trying many saddles she decided to go treeless with this horse. She bought a "Torsion" treeless saddle and is still very happy with this choice today (the horse in question has some health issues and is only ridden very lightly). She offered to let me borrow her saddle now and then.
About a month ago I signed up to ride with a trainer that only comes in once a month. I'd hoped I'd have a saddle by now, but that obviously was wishful thinking. So, what to do now? Ride with the slightly pinching, slightly too long jumping saddle or don't ride at all? For one thing, I really don't want to use (and have not used for a long time) the jumping saddle. On the other hand, I really, really, really want to take this lesson on monday.
I decided to give the treeless saddle a chance. It fits Crispin (well, basically it's a bareback pad with stirrups, so why shouldn't it) it doesn't pinch, it doesn't slip, it's comfortable to sit. I've ridden in it twice so far and Crispin seemed happy with it. Of course I will eat dirt if he decides to act up because there is nothing on the saddle to help me help hold on, and there is also nothing on this saddle to keep the pressure off Crispins vertebrae (the main issues I have with treeless saddles) but I'm also sure that I will immensley enjoy the lesson on monday in this saddle.
I keep you posted...
Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011
Remember when I said I'd made a decision?!
Well, I've changed my mind! Once the Offenstall is gone we're going to move to a different barn. I can't really say why, but I had a very hard time making my mind up about this. But now the choice is made and I really think it's for the best.
I'm moving Crispin to the same barn where Meike moved Nacho to last fall. She's still happy with her choice, the care is fine, the people and facilities are alright and the stalls are nice. Two other boarders from the Offenstall have moved there too since.
I'm confident that Crispin is going to be fine there too. He will be turned out with three other horses he already knows (plus one or two new ones) and he even gets a stall right next to one of his buddies from the Offenstall.
This is going to be his new home:
I'm moving Crispin to the same barn where Meike moved Nacho to last fall. She's still happy with her choice, the care is fine, the people and facilities are alright and the stalls are nice. Two other boarders from the Offenstall have moved there too since.
I'm confident that Crispin is going to be fine there too. He will be turned out with three other horses he already knows (plus one or two new ones) and he even gets a stall right next to one of his buddies from the Offenstall.
This is going to be his new home:
It's nice, big and airy. It's not an Offenstall but it is alright for now, I think. We will be moving at the end on june.
Samstag, 21. Mai 2011
The search for a saddle goes on...
...and I thought I just give you a quick overview of the saddles I've tried so far (of course those are just some of the saddles I've tried):
This is my old jumping saddle (it was clear from the start that it would not fit Crispin):

This is the the saddle I started Crispin in. A Tekna, 17.5 seat and 33 gullet. It fit him better than it fit me:

A Kent&Masters dressage saddle. High wither, gullet way too narrow and the distributor a pain to work with:

This one was close. A Euroriding "Achat". Seat was 18 inch and the gullet was a +34. Unfortunately I it was a horrible fit for me. The knee rolls overextended me in the hip:

This one doesn't look too bad either but neither Crispin nor I liked it. It's a Massimo Dressage II with french pannels. 17 inch seat (way too small for me, but they delivered the wrong size) and a 36 gullet:

A Euroriding "Leon". 17seat, wide gullet. Loved the way it fit me unfortunately it was a horrible fit for Crispin! It is a little difficult to see, but the rear pannels hardly touch his back:

And the last one I've tried. A Prestige "Milano" (17/34). I wanted to try the Prestige Hippos Dressage but the Milano was the only saddle with a wider gullet they had in store. The Saddlefiitter said it had a tree shaped similar to the one of the Hippos, so I tried it. Loved the feeling. The fit for Crispin is not too bad but far from perfect. I'm hoping that the Hippos Dressage can be changed to fit him. The saddlefitter will come and check on monday...
This is my old jumping saddle (it was clear from the start that it would not fit Crispin):

This is the the saddle I started Crispin in. A Tekna, 17.5 seat and 33 gullet. It fit him better than it fit me:

A Kent&Masters dressage saddle. High wither, gullet way too narrow and the distributor a pain to work with:

This one was close. A Euroriding "Achat". Seat was 18 inch and the gullet was a +34. Unfortunately I it was a horrible fit for me. The knee rolls overextended me in the hip:

This one doesn't look too bad either but neither Crispin nor I liked it. It's a Massimo Dressage II with french pannels. 17 inch seat (way too small for me, but they delivered the wrong size) and a 36 gullet:

A Euroriding "Leon". 17seat, wide gullet. Loved the way it fit me unfortunately it was a horrible fit for Crispin! It is a little difficult to see, but the rear pannels hardly touch his back:

And the last one I've tried. A Prestige "Milano" (17/34). I wanted to try the Prestige Hippos Dressage but the Milano was the only saddle with a wider gullet they had in store. The Saddlefiitter said it had a tree shaped similar to the one of the Hippos, so I tried it. Loved the feeling. The fit for Crispin is not too bad but far from perfect. I'm hoping that the Hippos Dressage can be changed to fit him. The saddlefitter will come and check on monday...

Freitag, 29. April 2011
Mittwoch, 13. April 2011
...a few more "first times".
I've been busy with other things going on and being more important lately. But that doesn't mean that there are no news to report from Crispin.
Two weeks ago we had our first lesson with Alfred. Just 30 minutes and we didn't really do much. But Alfred had some helpful tips (like I knew he would) as to how to improve steering and brakes and how to introduce contact.
And on sunday we cantered for the first time. I was out on the track by myself and Crispin was being such a good boy that I decided to just give it a try. What fun!
I still don't have a saddle (of course). I have tried a few more during the last few weeks (mostly used ones) and there are two more, new ones, I'm going to try once they're here. The Achat will finally be here by the end of the week and I have ordered a Massimo Dressur II with french panels, which should be here in a couple of days too. I really, really hope one of the two will fit.
Two weeks ago we had our first lesson with Alfred. Just 30 minutes and we didn't really do much. But Alfred had some helpful tips (like I knew he would) as to how to improve steering and brakes and how to introduce contact.
And on sunday we cantered for the first time. I was out on the track by myself and Crispin was being such a good boy that I decided to just give it a try. What fun!
I still don't have a saddle (of course). I have tried a few more during the last few weeks (mostly used ones) and there are two more, new ones, I'm going to try once they're here. The Achat will finally be here by the end of the week and I have ordered a Massimo Dressur II with french panels, which should be here in a couple of days too. I really, really hope one of the two will fit.
Samstag, 26. März 2011
First riding video
I wanted to see what riding Crispin looks like, so I asked Daniela to take a video. We are progressing slowly but steadily (I still haven't found/decided on a saddle and still ride him only once or maybe twice a week).
The video is from our 16th ride. The saddle is yet another one I've had out to try (Euroriding Achat). This one is too small for both of us (17 inch seat and a 34 gullet). I've asked the the saddler to order one one size bigger and wider. Not sure if that one will fit, the saddle is really short but the panels might not be flat enough for Crispin.
Now to the video (it's pretty bad quality because of the editing).
Steering is still a little awkward. Circles to the right and straight lines to the left are pretty solid but we have issues with circles to the left and with going straight on the right. It's getting better with every ride and I'm looking forward to our first riding lesson (just a 30 min session) next week!
The video is from our 16th ride. The saddle is yet another one I've had out to try (Euroriding Achat). This one is too small for both of us (17 inch seat and a 34 gullet). I've asked the the saddler to order one one size bigger and wider. Not sure if that one will fit, the saddle is really short but the panels might not be flat enough for Crispin.
Now to the video (it's pretty bad quality because of the editing).
Steering is still a little awkward. Circles to the right and straight lines to the left are pretty solid but we have issues with circles to the left and with going straight on the right. It's getting better with every ride and I'm looking forward to our first riding lesson (just a 30 min session) next week!
Samstag, 19. März 2011
The New Welsh meets The New Haflinger
My very good friend Daniela who let me ride her horse during the last year, finally sold her horse in January.
Like me she wanted to downsize and started looking for a small horse or big pony. Unlike me she wasn't set on a specific breed but she did have a soft spot for haflingers. She checked out a few horses and a couple more haflingers and found the right little pony for herself, a comming 3 y/o halfinger gelding.
So, here's "The New Welsh meeting The New Haflinger"
His name is Amalfi aka "Alfie" and compared to Crispin he looks tiny! But of course Crispin has a whole year of growing and filling out on this little guy.
I think they make a cute little pair.
Like me she wanted to downsize and started looking for a small horse or big pony. Unlike me she wasn't set on a specific breed but she did have a soft spot for haflingers. She checked out a few horses and a couple more haflingers and found the right little pony for herself, a comming 3 y/o halfinger gelding.
So, here's "The New Welsh meeting The New Haflinger"
His name is Amalfi aka "Alfie" and compared to Crispin he looks tiny! But of course Crispin has a whole year of growing and filling out on this little guy.
I think they make a cute little pair.
Sonntag, 13. März 2011
The first 6 weeks of riding (and one more freejumping video)
After six weeks "under saddle" I think it's time to summarize what I did so far.
Rides 1-3: Mounting and dismounting and being led a couple of circles by a friend.
Rides 4-9: Riding alone. Just walk in the indoor and outdoor ring and on the trails/track on the property (accompanied by another rider). Crispin responds to my leg aids well by ride 9.
Rides 10-14: I added the trot at ride 10 without any difficulties. I'm now basically riding by myself walk/trot in the indoor (steering greatly improved by now) or outdoor ring plus walk/trot on the trails/track on the property without another horse to lead.
We also did some freejumping again this sunday. Here's the video:
This time it was a little more challenging and technically difficult. Crispin managed quite well. In one round he bounces through a one stride distance but with the help of a ground pole he gets it correctly the next time. I tink there is some real jumping to be seen in the video.
Rides 1-3: Mounting and dismounting and being led a couple of circles by a friend.
Rides 4-9: Riding alone. Just walk in the indoor and outdoor ring and on the trails/track on the property (accompanied by another rider). Crispin responds to my leg aids well by ride 9.
Rides 10-14: I added the trot at ride 10 without any difficulties. I'm now basically riding by myself walk/trot in the indoor (steering greatly improved by now) or outdoor ring plus walk/trot on the trails/track on the property without another horse to lead.
We also did some freejumping again this sunday. Here's the video:
This time it was a little more challenging and technically difficult. Crispin managed quite well. In one round he bounces through a one stride distance but with the help of a ground pole he gets it correctly the next time. I tink there is some real jumping to be seen in the video.
Mittwoch, 9. März 2011
Today, it really felt like riding!
After the last post I think it's time for a happy little update.
I think that today I had my first real ride on Crispin. I lunged him a little and then rode him in the indoor.
And I think for the first time I actually really rode him. We went where I wanted to go in the pace I chose. We did some circles and change of reins, trotted, walked, stopped. Very grown up and very fun!
I think that today I had my first real ride on Crispin. I lunged him a little and then rode him in the indoor.
And I think for the first time I actually really rode him. We went where I wanted to go in the pace I chose. We did some circles and change of reins, trotted, walked, stopped. Very grown up and very fun!
Montag, 7. März 2011
Bad week
This last week wasn't a good one.
I was sick. I had to make the decision of what I'm going to do once the Offeenstall is gone. There is still no saddle in sight and Crispin decided that it's time to become a teenage brat an acted up this week. *twice*
At first I was down with the stomach flu for a few days at the beginning of the week. At the same time I finally had to make up my mind about what I was going to do once the Offenstall is gone (which is probably very soon. They are about to start working on the new stalls). It just sucks! It took me a very long time to think about all the pros and cons and I'm sure I did make the right decision (for now) but that doesn't make me any happier about it. I hate it! I'm not moving Crispin to a new barn. He's going to stay at the barn where he is and is going to live in a box stall with group turnout. Not in the kind of stall I want or even in the herd I want him in but it's the best I could do for now. He will be moved into the herd I want him to be in once there is a stall available for him (probably in the fall, maybe sooner. Who knows).
Once I felt better I called the tack shop again. They are not able to get the saddle that might have fit Crispin and they don't have any other options either. So I'm back to square one. No saddle and no idea how to find one. (Remember, I already called every saddle fitter in the area I know of).
And to top off the week, Crispin decided to act like a stubborn, pigheaded teenager this week! A wonderful combination on an overly sensitive horse! When I lunged him on friday he managed to get away from me twice, once leaving outdoor ring in the process! And when I rode him yesterday he tried to pull off the same stunt again with me in the saddle! I could ride him through this quickly and he was a good boy after that but the whole situation is unsatisfactory. He's almost four, head of his own little herd, it's spring, it's normal that he starts testing me. Basically, I think he's ready now for a little more work to keep his pea brain busy, but without a well fitting saddle this is going to be difficult. (I can not lunge him all the time. Maybe twice a week but not more).
I was sick. I had to make the decision of what I'm going to do once the Offeenstall is gone. There is still no saddle in sight and Crispin decided that it's time to become a teenage brat an acted up this week. *twice*
At first I was down with the stomach flu for a few days at the beginning of the week. At the same time I finally had to make up my mind about what I was going to do once the Offenstall is gone (which is probably very soon. They are about to start working on the new stalls). It just sucks! It took me a very long time to think about all the pros and cons and I'm sure I did make the right decision (for now) but that doesn't make me any happier about it. I hate it! I'm not moving Crispin to a new barn. He's going to stay at the barn where he is and is going to live in a box stall with group turnout. Not in the kind of stall I want or even in the herd I want him in but it's the best I could do for now. He will be moved into the herd I want him to be in once there is a stall available for him (probably in the fall, maybe sooner. Who knows).
Once I felt better I called the tack shop again. They are not able to get the saddle that might have fit Crispin and they don't have any other options either. So I'm back to square one. No saddle and no idea how to find one. (Remember, I already called every saddle fitter in the area I know of).
And to top off the week, Crispin decided to act like a stubborn, pigheaded teenager this week! A wonderful combination on an overly sensitive horse! When I lunged him on friday he managed to get away from me twice, once leaving outdoor ring in the process! And when I rode him yesterday he tried to pull off the same stunt again with me in the saddle! I could ride him through this quickly and he was a good boy after that but the whole situation is unsatisfactory. He's almost four, head of his own little herd, it's spring, it's normal that he starts testing me. Basically, I think he's ready now for a little more work to keep his pea brain busy, but without a well fitting saddle this is going to be difficult. (I can not lunge him all the time. Maybe twice a week but not more).
Donnerstag, 24. Februar 2011
First trot!
Today, I rode Crispin for the first time this week (rode him the last time on saturday). I had the indoor all to myself and worked a little on steering, still our weakest point. He already understands leg aids *yay* and seat of course (but that one is a given) but he's still not quite sure what to make of the bit.
I really wanted to trot Crispin today, but since we hardly made down the long side of the arena in a straight line I wasn't sure if I should. I decided to just give it a try. He was such a good boy!!! It was very easy to make him trot, just a little voice and leg and off he went. He wasn't even confused when I posted. And it was much easier to get him to stay on the rail at the trot. We went once around the arena in both directions and I think he's going to be a really comfortable ride.
I really wanted to trot Crispin today, but since we hardly made down the long side of the arena in a straight line I wasn't sure if I should. I decided to just give it a try. He was such a good boy!!! It was very easy to make him trot, just a little voice and leg and off he went. He wasn't even confused when I posted. And it was much easier to get him to stay on the rail at the trot. We went once around the arena in both directions and I think he's going to be a really comfortable ride.
Mittwoch, 23. Februar 2011
Still no Saddle
I'm still on the hunt for a saddle for Crispin. The Kent & Masters was no bad fit but not perfect either. I had to try the high wither modell wich was a little too high for Crispin (in size 17.5 it was a little too long for him as well). I'm now waiting for the standard dressage saddle in size 17.
The saddle I can use right now is not perfect and that makes me feel bad to use it more than twice a week or to ride in it longer than 10-20 minutes. This makes our rides short and scarce which is sad because riding Crispin is way too much fun! I only sat on him three more times. Last sunday, wednesday and again on saturday and we are making progress from ride to ride.
The saddle I can use right now is not perfect and that makes me feel bad to use it more than twice a week or to ride in it longer than 10-20 minutes. This makes our rides short and scarce which is sad because riding Crispin is way too much fun! I only sat on him three more times. Last sunday, wednesday and again on saturday and we are making progress from ride to ride.
Sonntag, 13. Februar 2011
What to do, what to do...
During the last week I've ridden Crispin two more times. On monday I took him outside and with the company of Pilgrim and Daniela once around the "race track". Our first hack outside. Not really something I had planned for our second ride but the indoor was closed that day and it was not riding him at all or riding him outside. He was excelent outside.
The other ride was on friday. Another chance to start to establish some real steering and brakes. It went better than the first time but it's still rather chaotic. It is harder than I though, to contoll myself and keeping me from reacting like I would on an older horse because Crispin does not understand these signals yet. But steering problems aside, it is amazing (or stupid maybe ;-) ) how safe I already feel when I'm on his back! Don't get me wrong, we already had two tiny *ups* moments. Two little spook and bolts, but both times I could calm him down again very quickly even without any real brakes or steering.
On tuesday and wednesday I had two more saddle fitters out. No happy news to report. Again there was no saddle to be found that would fit Crispin for less than 2400€. My best shot was a semi-custom Vega.
When I decided to get a Welsh Cob I knew that finding a saddle wouldn't be easy and I am willing to go semi-custom but not quite yet. Crispin is not even really under saddle yet and I'm sure he'll physically "explode" this summer. If I go semi-custom now there is no guarantee that the saddle can be re-fitted in a year or two. And there is no way that I could afford another semi-custom saddle again in two years!
So, what am I to do now?
What I need is a cheap or used saddle that is a good fit to take us through the first year. After that I'd be quite willing to get a new semi-custom for Crispin. But even though the Tekna was not a bad fit it turns out that I really can't sit in it and it still is a tad too long for Crispin. I've already returned the saddle and am again without a saddle. There is one more saddle to try. A Kent & Masters:
The dressage saddle could be a good fit. They are changeable (gullet, flocking) and reasonably priced. If the Kent & Masters doesn't fit I really don't know what to do. I could try the Tekna in a size 17. It would probably work for Crispin but still wouldn't really work for me.
The other ride was on friday. Another chance to start to establish some real steering and brakes. It went better than the first time but it's still rather chaotic. It is harder than I though, to contoll myself and keeping me from reacting like I would on an older horse because Crispin does not understand these signals yet. But steering problems aside, it is amazing (or stupid maybe ;-) ) how safe I already feel when I'm on his back! Don't get me wrong, we already had two tiny *ups* moments. Two little spook and bolts, but both times I could calm him down again very quickly even without any real brakes or steering.
On tuesday and wednesday I had two more saddle fitters out. No happy news to report. Again there was no saddle to be found that would fit Crispin for less than 2400€. My best shot was a semi-custom Vega.
When I decided to get a Welsh Cob I knew that finding a saddle wouldn't be easy and I am willing to go semi-custom but not quite yet. Crispin is not even really under saddle yet and I'm sure he'll physically "explode" this summer. If I go semi-custom now there is no guarantee that the saddle can be re-fitted in a year or two. And there is no way that I could afford another semi-custom saddle again in two years!
So, what am I to do now?
What I need is a cheap or used saddle that is a good fit to take us through the first year. After that I'd be quite willing to get a new semi-custom for Crispin. But even though the Tekna was not a bad fit it turns out that I really can't sit in it and it still is a tad too long for Crispin. I've already returned the saddle and am again without a saddle. There is one more saddle to try. A Kent & Masters:
The dressage saddle could be a good fit. They are changeable (gullet, flocking) and reasonably priced. If the Kent & Masters doesn't fit I really don't know what to do. I could try the Tekna in a size 17. It would probably work for Crispin but still wouldn't really work for me.
Sonntag, 6. Februar 2011
An exciting weekend.
This weekend was very exciting for Crispin (and for me too). On saturday I got on him for the forth time and for the first time rode him without a ground person. He was a very good boy but the first few minutes were very chaotic! Chaotic in a fun and relaxed way. He was confused and I felt pretty helpless, because he (of course) doesn't understand the aids from the saddle yet. But even besides the fact that steering was basically non existent I felt safe up there on his back and luckily the brakes already work pretty well, which is interesting because, when I worked him with the bit from the ground it was just the other way around. I could never really stop him from the bit then, but steering worked well.
I even have a video from saturday:
On sunday we did a little bit of freejumping. Something we haven't done since last april. And just like last year Crispin was a good boy. They had put up a lot of bounces. A lot of poles to handle for Crispin so I decided to stick with the low bounces and did not make the jumps higher. I have a video of the freejumping too:
Personally, I like the round before the last best!
AND before I forget again, I did measure Crispin last week. He's about 157,5 cm tall now. Big guy.
I even have a video from saturday:
On sunday we did a little bit of freejumping. Something we haven't done since last april. And just like last year Crispin was a good boy. They had put up a lot of bounces. A lot of poles to handle for Crispin so I decided to stick with the low bounces and did not make the jumps higher. I have a video of the freejumping too:
Personally, I like the round before the last best!
AND before I forget again, I did measure Crispin last week. He's about 157,5 cm tall now. Big guy.
Dienstag, 1. Februar 2011
I rode Crispin!!!
Well, I sat on him and a good friend walked with us holding the lead, just in case (and very good that she did, too!)
Our first "ride" ever! What a great feeling!
I lunged Crispin at first and he was unusually "fresh", bucking and galloping on the lunge, something he never did before. It had been quite cold and I'm guessing that he didn't move and play as much in the paddock as usual due to the frozen ground.
But, we had the indoor all to ourself and I couldn't let this chance pass. So, we took him to the mounting aid and I got on and off like the last time. No problem.
Then I got on again and asked him (voice only!) to walk "cluckcluck, scheeeritt!". Nothing. I asked again while my friend starts walking too. He goes one step, stops. Goes another step, gets tense and does a tiny crow hop. We stop. He relaxes. I cluck, he moves, we praise, he stops. This goes on for a few steps. Step, paise, stop. Step, praise, stop. Then he starts to understand what we want him to do. Very hesitantly he walks on for a few meters before I stop him, prais him. He gets a treat and I get off. Good boy!
We return to the mounting aid, I get on again. I cluck, my friend starts to walk and Crispin takes one step and then another until he actually starts to move more freely for half a round or so. I stop him, praise him and he gets a treat.
And then, like the true journalist I am, I risk life and health just to get some proof of this important event on camera! (Daniela handed me the lead to take those pictures, so I was all on my own up there for the first time.)
Standing still Crispin is very content with me being up there on his back. Actually, he seemed to be much more relaxed than I am in those pictures. ;)
I can't wait for the next time!
Our first "ride" ever! What a great feeling!
I lunged Crispin at first and he was unusually "fresh", bucking and galloping on the lunge, something he never did before. It had been quite cold and I'm guessing that he didn't move and play as much in the paddock as usual due to the frozen ground.
But, we had the indoor all to ourself and I couldn't let this chance pass. So, we took him to the mounting aid and I got on and off like the last time. No problem.
Then I got on again and asked him (voice only!) to walk "cluckcluck, scheeeritt!". Nothing. I asked again while my friend starts walking too. He goes one step, stops. Goes another step, gets tense and does a tiny crow hop. We stop. He relaxes. I cluck, he moves, we praise, he stops. This goes on for a few steps. Step, paise, stop. Step, praise, stop. Then he starts to understand what we want him to do. Very hesitantly he walks on for a few meters before I stop him, prais him. He gets a treat and I get off. Good boy!
We return to the mounting aid, I get on again. I cluck, my friend starts to walk and Crispin takes one step and then another until he actually starts to move more freely for half a round or so. I stop him, praise him and he gets a treat.
And then, like the true journalist I am, I risk life and health just to get some proof of this important event on camera! (Daniela handed me the lead to take those pictures, so I was all on my own up there for the first time.)
He makes the funny faces because he expects me to hand over another treat! |
Standing still Crispin is very content with me being up there on his back. Actually, he seemed to be much more relaxed than I am in those pictures. ;)
I can't wait for the next time!
Sonntag, 30. Januar 2011
First time! (one of many first times to come!)
I did it! I finally sat on Crispin for the first time! (And I don't have pictures to proof it ;-) )
It was a total non event for him. I got on and off a few times from both sides and he didn't really care at all. Perfect, just like I wanted it to be!
It was a total non event for him. I got on and off a few times from both sides and he didn't really care at all. Perfect, just like I wanted it to be!
Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2011
Another 3 months
Today I took Crispin for a nice walk. I haven't done that for a while. He got vaccinated yesterday and is going to have three days off because of that.
It was also time to take pictures again. Three years, nine months:
It was also time to take pictures again. Three years, nine months:
Samstag, 22. Januar 2011
Saddle search say what?!
Well, that was interesting. Seems like every Saddler around who is known as a good saddle fitter doesn't have any used saddles for sale right now (or anymore?!). But they all would be happy to come around and take measurements to custome make a saddle for 3000 € and up.
Uhm, let me think... ...custom made for a still growing 4 y/o that isn't even backed yet?! I don't think so, but thanks anyway! And the best part, they don't even sell anything else but their favorite custom made brand anymore! What did I miss?! There are so many decent brands on the market and I'm stuck with saddlers that do not sell any of them?!
So, I called the local tack shop and asked them what they had in stock (something I could have done weeks ago). I know they always have plenty of saddles in stock, used and new but the owner is just average when it comes to fitting. That's why I didn't call there first.
The guy came out yesterday and brought a few saddles. A few Wintec saddles that did NOT work at all. The rear panels basically poked Crispin in the hip bone, way too long. Then he tried a nice english brand that was only a 17 seat. It fit Crispin but was to small for me, obviously. In the end he left a "Tekna" saddle for me to try. That is a new brand of synthetic saddles and tack. It looked like it fit ok. I've had a saddle made of synthetic leather before and liked it just fine, but I'm just not sure if I want to go there again. On the other hand, it's light weight, cheap, easy to clean and adjustable. If it really fits and if I could get it fitted to Crispin once or twice again over the next year or two it might be a sensible choice. We'll see. For now I have a saddle with a decent fit to work with. Riding here we come... ;-)
Uhm, let me think... ...custom made for a still growing 4 y/o that isn't even backed yet?! I don't think so, but thanks anyway! And the best part, they don't even sell anything else but their favorite custom made brand anymore! What did I miss?! There are so many decent brands on the market and I'm stuck with saddlers that do not sell any of them?!
So, I called the local tack shop and asked them what they had in stock (something I could have done weeks ago). I know they always have plenty of saddles in stock, used and new but the owner is just average when it comes to fitting. That's why I didn't call there first.
The guy came out yesterday and brought a few saddles. A few Wintec saddles that did NOT work at all. The rear panels basically poked Crispin in the hip bone, way too long. Then he tried a nice english brand that was only a 17 seat. It fit Crispin but was to small for me, obviously. In the end he left a "Tekna" saddle for me to try. That is a new brand of synthetic saddles and tack. It looked like it fit ok. I've had a saddle made of synthetic leather before and liked it just fine, but I'm just not sure if I want to go there again. On the other hand, it's light weight, cheap, easy to clean and adjustable. If it really fits and if I could get it fitted to Crispin once or twice again over the next year or two it might be a sensible choice. We'll see. For now I have a saddle with a decent fit to work with. Riding here we come... ;-)
Mittwoch, 19. Januar 2011
All we need now is a (well fitting) saddle...
I haven't posted for a while because there isn't that much to tell plus I'm quite busy with other stuff at the moment.
BUT, For the first time ever Crispin is on a real training schedule. I lunge him every other day, alternating the training aid/bit and bridle combo with the rope halter and saddle combo. Each lunging session is about 20 minutes or less combined with some groundwork.
The groundwork is either getting him to understand and listen to the bit or working at the mounting block. I think he is basically ready for the next step. Mounting and carrying a rider. Unforunately, I still don't have a saddle that really fits him. I already called the saddler but he has been out of town for the last 10 days. He's back in town now and I really hope I can have him over soon and that we'll find a good solution for Crispin (and that nothing else pops up) so that I can finally take the next big step!
BUT, For the first time ever Crispin is on a real training schedule. I lunge him every other day, alternating the training aid/bit and bridle combo with the rope halter and saddle combo. Each lunging session is about 20 minutes or less combined with some groundwork.
The groundwork is either getting him to understand and listen to the bit or working at the mounting block. I think he is basically ready for the next step. Mounting and carrying a rider. Unforunately, I still don't have a saddle that really fits him. I already called the saddler but he has been out of town for the last 10 days. He's back in town now and I really hope I can have him over soon and that we'll find a good solution for Crispin (and that nothing else pops up) so that I can finally take the next big step!
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